Anime Express 7
Daytona Beach, Florida
March 20, 2004
Above, we are waiting for the
start of Steve Bennett's cel painting class. The paints for the class had
not yet arrived, so Steve entertained us for the next hour with stories of
his childhood and how he first learned animation from a grand master in much
the same way as Karate Kid, with weeks spent at manual tasks before he was
allowed to actually start drawing.
Steve told us that his favorite
art subjects were tanks and girls, tanks and girls, tanks and girls. He went
on to tell how the master artist made him draw his least favorite character,
Mendou Shutaro from Urusei Yatsura, over and over and over again until he
learned discipline.
He encouraged us, ourselves, to
engage in Patience and Discipline to master this art. |
Above, with the paints finally
delivered, we start painting our cels. That's me to the far right, then Rob,
my son Josh, and his girlfriend Erin.
As we were painting, Pudding in
her human waitress form from Tokyo Mew Mew, showed up with treats for the
class. |
Above, Josh and Rob confer over
the subtle shading of skin tones as little snow fairy, Sugar looks on. Move
your mouse over the image to see an alternate angle.
And there is little snow fairy,
Sugar herself, complete with her little bunny flute bag. |