Anime Express 5
Daytona Beach, Florida
March 23, 2002
While we waited for the judges'
results, everyone posed for a group photo. |
OK, I'm just guessing at the
categories, but Dejiko has got to be for the cutest as she gets her
award from Naga from Slayers.
Ed likely got the award for quickest
entrance and exit. |
Short, sweet and to the point,
For sparing the world from a
Stripping Shinji. |
Baby got Back really had the fans
So, just how do you split one prize 8
ways? |
Hikaru and Fuu cross swords.
A fan favorite, the girls get
to split a Tifa figurine for their bravely sung participation.
And with the end of the
presentation, let us hope that there will be no more
cross-dressing characters in future cosplay competitions.
Yeah right. ^_^