Anime Express 5
Daytona Beach, Florida
March 23, 2002
There are some things that are worth
more then life itself as battle is engaged for.... the last ice cream.
Ed from Cowboy Bebop gives us the
instant Ed Dance.
Below, Saito and Sanosuke conspire
with others in what I'm sure is some nefarious plot or other. |
Some things are not meant for man to
see. And this Rabi~en~Rose from Di Gi Charat is definitely one of them.
Below left, Fuu and Hikaru in their
level 4 battle armor.
Now this is charming. Little Card
Captor Sakura and her mom, Kero-chan. |

Above, the world is once again saved
from the horrors of a stripping Shinji by Spike, Rikku and Tidus.
Below, the Di Gi Charat girls get a
taste of Soul. |
Looking for .....
Tamahooooomeeeeee!!!! |
The J-Rockers strike again |
Sailor Moon (the musical, not the
series ^_^) gives us a quick dance number from Sera Myu. |