Above, cosplayers are signing up for the costume
contest to be held later that day.
Below, I checked out the anime fare being offered by
AS. This morning, it was a shoujo special. We saw Princess Tutu, 2 episodes
of Kaleido Star, Di Gi Charat Nyo, and Bottle Fairies. Of that set, Princess
Tutu and Kaleido Star appeared pretty interesting.
Anime Sushi did a fantastic job with the screen setup.
For the first time ever that I've seen, the screen was mounted high enough
that you could read the subtitles even in a crowded theater. |
After watching anime for a
couple of hours, I checked out the cosplayers outside the theater.
Considering that it was my
daughter's favorite (and very first) movie many years ago, it was a delight
to find someone cosplaying as Rainbow Brite. |