Pete and I arrived at Megacon a little before 9 AM. It
was being hosted in the Orange County Convention Center same as last year.
Also, same as last year, we were sharing the center with the US Open
Cheerleading Championship as well.
Below, Pete (as Ace) holds up a tribute to our dear
friend, Queen, who was in a near fatal car accident
back in November. She could not be with us this trip as she was still in
rehabilitation, but due to her indomitable heart and spirit, she most
certainly will be next time. |
To the left are the lines to
pay admission. To the right are folks queuing up to enter the dealer's room.
Tickets were to go on sale at 8:30, but it didn't start until almost 10.
The time went by pretty quickly however as we spotted cosplayers and visited
with other friends who attended.
Below are the first of the cosplayers we found that morning. |