The 6,000 seat auditorium was packed for
the Opening Ceremonies. Joyce Lim, AX Chairwoman, introduced the
Guests of Honor.
In order of appearance, we had
Laura Bailey - Voice Actor/Director/Singer
Crispin Freeman - Voice Actor/Director/Writer
Mignogna - Voice Actor/Singer/Graphic Artist/Composer/Pianist/Director
Takeuchi - Mangaka of Her Majesty's Dog
- Mangaka of Di Gi Charat
Atsuko Nakajima - Animation director
Yutaka Izubuchi - Illustrator/Anime designer/Director
yozuca* - Singer
Hiroshi Nagahama - Director
Kyoda - Director/Mecha and creature designer
Furuya - Voice Actor/Narrator.
Noboru Ishiguro - Director (particularly Macross)
Seiji Mizushima - Director (particularly Fullmetal Alchemist) |
Apparently, a new tradition had been
started at the Opening Ceremonies last year, and Laura Bailey was good
enough to continue it. This consisted of each guest spinning around once
before taking their seat. It was great entertainment as our Japanese guests
good-humouredly followed suit, sometimes quite demure and shyly as in the
case of the singer yozuca*, or flamboyantly in the manner of Yutaka
Izubuchi. |