One of the AWA events that I was really
anticipating was the Body Image and Cosplay panel by the
WeGo4Kyo girls
with Evali, Imriela and
Reanna standing
in for Babyberry. This is a wonderful group and it was my honor to be
present for their AWA debut as they took the
Best of Show Novice Craftsman
As expected, the panel was both hilarious and
Among various topics were instructions on girls
cross-playing male characters which included walking with a swagger, sitting
in a manner that takes up space and, um, shows your package ;).
There were tips on disguising your height and
weight to help you correctly portray your cosplay character.
And finally there was some common sense advice on
weight control and maintaining a healthy and fit body. Honestly, it comes
down to a very simple formula: calories in - energy used = fat gained.