Above is
Lindsay Cibos and
Jared Hodges, local and well-known illustrators and mangaka of the
Tokyopop series Peach Fuzz.
Below is the fan panel for Veronica
Taylor where she is accompanied by her cute daughter. |
Wheldon Smiley hosted the Big-U Damn
Gameshow. This was a fantastic idea and I really enjoyed myself. Wheldon
showed clips from various shows and the audience would answer questions
about them. The neat thing about this format was that you didn't necessarily
have to be an expert on any given anime subject to win, just observant.
Below are the top three winners of the
contest. |
Next was Anime Name that Tune hosted by
James Panto. I always try my best in this one, but can never get more then
an honorable mention. |
For a somewhat modest anime convention,
AFO has some really FUN events and activities. The next panel was one such
Adam and I attended the Joey Snackpants
and Tom Croom "Top Ten Reasons the Transformer Movie will Suck" panel. The
small room was packed with fans sitting or standing in every available spot. |
So, with no further ado, the Top Ten
Reasons the Transformer Movie will Suck:
The risk of a remake of the
Transformers theme by Aerosmith (thanks Michael Bay)
No word on Dinobots in the film (Grimlock
Even though they did get Peter
Cullen (voice of Optimus Prime), the truck is a long nose model.
Bumblebee = Chevy Camero = WTF?!
No Soundwave (What can they make
him... an iPod?!)
Tyrese is 2 Fast, 2 Furious, and
now fights 2 Many Fast Autobots?
It won't have the touch. It won't
have the power.
Exhibit A (Star Wars crossover with
Emperor Palpatine/Imperial Shuttle Transformer)
Exhibit B (Star
Wars Transformers Intergalactic Showdown Attacktix Battle Figure Game)
Bonus: The one reason the movie MIGHT
NOT SUCK... No Beastwars... Yet.