Sailor Moon Fun Day '97
July 12, 1997
July 12, 1997, the kids and I embarked for Vero Beach, Florida
for the first ever Sailor Moon Fun Day. In the noble chariot heading south was
John (also known as Phoenix), my daughter Jennifer, son Josh and niece
Stephanie. Waiting for us at our destination is our most gracious and wonderful
host Kristyn (known and loved by all as K-chan). Packed in my luggage bag was
about 40 anime tapes including a ton of Sailor Moon and a change of underwear
(after the tapes, it was all I had room for).
arrived around 10am and checked out the house that was to be Sailor Moon Central
for the next 24 hours.
Kristyn's house in Vero Beach, Florida
and Pu greeted us at the door. Pu in typical Mamoru garb and K-chan in her
spiffy Haruka togs.
John (better known as Pu) and Kristyn (the beloved K-chan)
After a tour of the house, K-chan showed off her Sailor Moon
collection. Down from the closet came box after box of treasures upon treasures.
All the NA dolls, big and little; notebooks filled with Sailor Moon cards,
Sailor Moon apple juice and so on. Pu stood guard over me with the Moon Rod so I
would not be tempted by the precious Sailor Mercury doll ^_^;;.
to start the event off with the right mind set, I dug out the infamous Snow
White episode and illustrated to the present company just exactly what the afsm
meaning for 'Talent' is. It was a major hit. Everyone was laughing so hard we
could hardly breathe.
Rei checks out Makoto's obvious talent
we hopped in the car to pick up another SMFD attendee, Kellie. Along the way we
stop at Cyber Dragon to check out the latest manga and anime.
Jennifer, Stephanie and K-chan
we take a moment for the traditional SAILOR MOON GROUP HUG!
Here we have my son Josh, Pu, K-chan and Phoenix
picking up Kellie, we head back to the Ponderosa.
Phoenix, K-chan and Kellie with Pu towards the back
take a moment for a little horseplay before heading inside.
Pu and K-chan with Kellie towards the back
then settle down for some serious Sailor Moon
Pu, K-chan and Kellie
it's off to Sushi Moon for dinner. Now isn't that the most perfect name for a
restaurant for this occasion?
we ended up sitting at the bar because there was no table big enough for the
crowd. Jennifer, Stephanie and Kellie had chicken teriyaki, Pu and K-chan had
chashimu with misu soup, Phoenix got California rolls and Josh got shrimp
Jennifer, Stephanie, Pu and Kellie
chows down with her own personal set of stainless steel chopsticks.
at the homestead, K-chan provides a special homemade Sailor Moon cake to
everyone. In the background is K-chan's Mac computer.
Jennifer (facing away), Jennifer (my daughter), Stephanie and K-chan
it's more Sailor Moon and anime goodie sharing. Here K-chan is showing her Oh My
Goddess postcards to Jennifer and Stephanie.
Stephanie, K-chan, Jennifer and Baron
All through the night, we watched Nurse Angel Ririka, Slayers, Magic Knight
Rayearth, You're Under Arrest, Marmalade Boy and the Sailor Moon R movie. I
know, I know, it was suppose to be a Sailor Moon marathon, but K-chan and I had
so much anime we wanted to share with each other.
Everyone finally hit the sack around 3 in the morning. The next
day, K-chan was the first to awaken and thankfully put the coffee on. I was up
next. After rousing the rest of the crew, we visited and watched a few more
animes before calling a reluctant end to the first ever Sailor Moon Fun Day.