The Third Annual
Alt.Fan.Sailor -Moon
12th Annual
Project A-kon
Dallas, Texas
June 1st, 2001
As the party begins, the guests start to show up
Above, sitting on the couch to
the far right is Korb wearing the red shirt. In the middle is Tim,
wearing orange. On the left is Lauren. Sitting in the chair,
wearing the leather jacket, is Stone. In the back, under the
light, is Christian Link, an excellent source for cool Sailor Moon
Below, right to left, Jen is
sitting on the floor, Megan (better known as Neo Sailor Khyron on
afs-m) is next to her and Rob (no last name) is sitting on the
Many thanks to Neo Sailor Khyron,
Korb, Rob and others for the photographs that grace these pages.
Above, on the right is Andrew,
also known on afs-m as DirewolfX. The Li Shaoran cosplayer is
Daniel, better known as Goreddo on
Anime on DVD.
To the right, taking a quick break from her post in the dealers
room, is Zoisite no Miko from afs-m cosplaying as
from Cardcaptor Sakura. Below, as
Harold entertains us with Route Venus, Kit Kat from Dallas makes
her entrance, escorted by Ricky of the green shirt. |
Joining the party, Lauren makes her
appearance as Sailor Moon.
Below, holding the camcorder is Starla
currently stationed in Iceland. On the right in pink is Kionon, rabid fellow
Chibiusa fan (known as Sailor Terra on afs-m). In the center is the AMAZING
RANDO from Iowa cosplaying as Haruka from Sailor Moon. He also cosplayed as
Helios in Saturday's cosplay contest. |