Following the cosplay show, we had gone back to our hotel room for a few
hours to rest up. Around 11 PM, we headed back to the con to check out the
late night events. When we arrived, we found the hotel in a state of
emergency. Apparently a fog generator used for the Cosplay Back rave had set
off a fire alarm. After the all-clear was given we checked it out. Wasabi
Anime was hosting a "Back to the 80s" rave and what could be better then to
find the whole Rainbow Brite Color Kids team dancing to "Hey Micky". The
costumes were simply outstanding right down to the puffy boots. |
The music was from the 80s, but with a
techno theme. And although it appeared bright, thanks to my flash, it was
almost pitch black and you actually could not see much of anything.
Never the less, it was a very energized
scene and I enjoyed it immensely. |