A few shots from the pre-cosplay party.
Anime Express has a truly unique approach in that the cosplayers are in a
center arena while the audience sits around the perimeter. Everyone gets a
good view and you can easily move around if you desire.
Bloodberry & Cherry from Saber Marionette. They apparently killed Lime in
order to eliminate the competition for Otaru's affection. ^_^;
On the right is Anthy from
Revolutionary Girl Utena. Can you believe that she didn't get
slapped once the entire evening? |
Some of the AE attendees have attended our own Jacksonville animarathons. In
the picture above are Layne (blue Chinese jacket) and Maverynthia (Jupiter).
Below are Aaron, Jayme and Jason. |
We've secretly switched Layne's Dr.
Pepper with Folgers Instant Coffee. Will she notice?
Drinks and snacks were provided compliments of the Anything Goes Anime Club. |
Steve Bennett gets the ball rolling,
introducing the guests of honor and the cosplayers.
First up are Bloodberry and Cherry as
they argue over who has what it takes to win Otaru's love. Cherry's cooking
or Bloodberry's obvious, um, assets. ^_^ |
Anthy loses the Sword of Dios and goes
off to hunt for Utena.
Ryouga shows off his secret tattoo that
will spell the certain defeat of Ranma. Akane prepares to nail him with her
hammerspace mallet for his transgression. |
Heero rips up his invitation just before
whispering to Relena that he will.... er, can't quite hear him... kiss her?
Maybe not.
Jupiter's musical introduction continues
to be interrupted by an annoying P-chan until she unleashes a Supreme
Thunder backed up with a Sparkling Wide Pressure to silence the little
squealer. |